

Lemon Garlic Tuna Pasta

Happy 2017!

I am aware that it has been days since we all said our goodbyes to 2016 and it seemed like last year wasn't that kind to a lot of us.  But now that's all behind us, I pray that you, me and everybody else will have a much kinder 2017.  Be a little kinder to the people around you despite their unpleasant aura; I know that's going to be a feat for some but hey, better to be the one with a smile on their face and a light heart than the opposite, right?

But most importantly, I pray that we all learn to be kinder to ourselves first.  Prioritize your wellbeing before anything else.  

We live in a harsh world but let's not let ourselves get sucked into the hollow void and be filled with negativity.  Instead, let us choose to live our lives with our heads held high, a big ass, genuine smile on our faces and surround ourselves with what inspires us and makes us happy (as long as we don't intentionally/unintentionally hurt anybody in the process)!

And this is where I come in with the fabled 'New Years resolution'.  I admit to being guilty of putting into writing the things I want to accomplish for the coming year when I was younger.  But honestly, I never stuck to any of the 'resolutions' I made for myself 😅 How about you?  Were you ever loyal to your past NY's lists?  If so, I applaud you and admire you sincerely!  What discipline and dedication you must have in you!

But if your list includes 'Eat a little healthier!', I got you covered!  Well, fine, there's still butter in this one but only a minimal amount!

Let's get to cooking, 2017! (what that is so corny 😂)

Lemon Garlic Tuna pasta
an experiment by myself which turned out great, unexpectedly

Serves at least 3

What you'll be needing:

3/4 cup pasta of your choice

1 Tablespoon olive oil

1 Tablespoon salted butter

4 cloves garlic, minced

1/4 Teaspoon dried rosemary

1/4 Teaspoon dried thyme

1/4 Teaspoon dried basil

1 can tuna in oil, NOT drained

Garlic salt and black ground pepper, to taste

1/4 C Parmesan cheese, grated

2 Tablespoons lemon juice

lemon zest

about 1/4 C of pasta water

What you'll be doing:

First, cook your pasta of choice according to the instructions on the packaging.  Set aside a little bit of 'pasta' water.  Set it aside.

In the same pot or on a skillet, melt butter and olive oil on medium heat and then add minced garlic and herbs and sauté until light brown and fragrant.

Add the tuna with its oil and season with garlic salt and pepper and sauté some more.

Add pasta and the pasta water you kept to the pot/pan and then the cheese, lemon juice and zest.  Mix thoroughly but gently!

Serve right away!  And with a little more Parmesan cheese and a few extra squeezes of lemon juice!

How would you turn this dish into an Instagram-worthy one?  Maybe add some baby spinach when you add the tuna?  Or maybe some cherry tomatoes?  Or BOTH?  Work with whatever you have on hand!

This dish is light in taste but very filling!  And easy to make!

I hope you give this one a go but leave me a comment if you do, okay?  Hope you'll like it! 🙈

Let us all be with an optimistic mindset and a kinder disposition!

LOVE YOURSELF 2K17 #hellyes

Til the next post!

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